Congratulation to Team Scitec Cedric McMillan who won 1st place and MAXX CHARLES 3rd place at Arnold Classic 2017. #scitecnutrition #teamscitec #arnoldclassic #proteinhouse- #scitecnutrition
#Shawn #Rhoden 2016 for Mr. Olympia Silver Medalist! #Cedric #Mcmillan seventh place finish. Huge congratulations to you both! #TeamScitec #Scitecnutrition
End Result:
1. Phil Heath
2. Shawn Rhoden
3. Dexter Jackson
4. Big Ramy
5. William Bonac
6. Sawai Winklaar
7. Cedric Mcmillan
8. Dallas McCarver
9. Josh Lenartowicz
10.Justin Compton